Who we are
Current Members
Previous Members

Project Supervision

Robotic Systems Lab

Prof. Marco Hutter

Institue of Fluid Dynamics

Prof. Dr. Filippo Coletti

Robotic Systems Lab

Dr. Hendrik Kolvenbach


Team Lead

Adrian Ensmenger

Team Lead

Fidel Esquivel

Team Lead

Benjamin Sun

Team Lead

Emre Elbir



Tobias Straumann

Organization /

Oscar Gentilhomme

Computer Vision

Félix Laurent

Computer Vision

Lilian Laporte

Thesis Students

Thank you

We want to thank all previous volunteers, students, coaches and supervisors for their valuable contributions to the Autonomous River Cleanup Project. The dedication, hard work, and support have been crucial for the mission of the project. The team efforts have made a significant impact and helped to raise awareness about the importance of environmental protection. We are proud of the progress we have made together!
Michael Addicks - Volunteer
Leonardo Albuquerque - Volunteer
Philip Arm - Coach
Simone Arreghini - Volunteer
Marcel Bachmann - Thesis Student
Frédéric Baumann - Thesis Student
Fabio Bazzi - Thesis Student
Maurin Beeli - Thesis Student
Karen Bodie - Student Supervisor
Nicola Burger - Thesis Student
Luca Cavalli - Student Supervisor
Eleni Chatzi - Project Supervisor
Filippo Coletti - Project Supervisor
Lars del Bubba - Thesis Student
María Del Pilar Porras Villarreal - Volunteer
Fabrizio Di Giuro - Volunteer
William Ericson - Thesis Student
Amedeo Fabris - Volunteer
Tom Felder - Thesis Student
Carlo Fischer - Thesis Student
Davide Frey - Volunteer
Nicola Gerber - Volunteer
Julian Gisler - Volunteer
Finn Graf - Volunteer
Pietro Griffa - Volunteer
Ariane Gubser - Team Leader
Moritz Gysi - Thesis Student
Joël Habersatter - Thesis Student
Niklaus Haberthür - Thesis Student
Kaitlynn Harrison - Volunteer
Marco Hauswirth - Thesis Student
Maarten Hogenkamp - Thesis Student
Luc Holzherr - Volunteer
Nadia Jensen - Volunteer
Tizian Jermann - Thesis Student
Senthuran Kalamanthan - Thesis Student
Tatsis Konstantinos - Student Supervisor
Tamina Kronenberg - Volunteer
Jérôme Kuner - Volunteer
Conor Lane - Student Supervisor
Temmy Latner - Volunteer
Laura Lauper - Volunteer
Nicolas Lawrence - Student Supervisor
Luca Lietha - Volunteer
Tiffany Louis - Volunteer
Florian Mahlknecht - Volunteer
Gerasimos Maltezos - Volunteer
Davide Mambelli - Volunteer
Dominic Marti - Thesis Student
Jara Matter - Volunteer
Fabio Meier - Volunteer
Konrad Meyer - Student Supervisor
Yannick Meyer - Volunteer
Friedrich Mittenzwei - Thesis Student
Lanzelot Moll - Volunteer
Cyril Monney - Volunteer
Lennard Nachtigal - Student Supervisor
Fang Nan - Volunteer
David Oort Alonso - Thesis Student
Philipp Ott - Thesis Student
Giorgio Panelli - Thesis Student
Rémi Pautrat - Student Supervisor
Luke Peppard - Volunteer
Paulin Raison - Volunteer
Francesco Ricca - Volunteer
Eris Sako - Student Supervisor
Joachim Schaeffner - Team Leader
Isabella Schalko - Student Supervisor
Michael Schlapbach - Coach
Sebastian Schmid - Thesis Student
Peter Siegel - Volunteer
Nishendra Singh - Associate
Aravind Soman - Volunteer
Nicolas Stillhard - Thesis Student
Christpher Stocker-Salas - Volunteer
Eva Sutter - Volunteer
Angela Telli - Thesis Student
Samuel Thalmann - Volunteer
Fabian Tischhauser - Student Supervisor
Andreea Tulbure - Student Supervisor
Giorgio Valsecchi - Student Supervisor
Lia Veres - Volunteer
Xenia Voellmy - Coach,Thesis Student,Volunteer
Gregor Vollherbst - Volunteer
Ake Wallin - Volunteer
Martin Wermelinger - Student Supervisor
Stefan Widmer - Team Leader
Liudi Yang - Thesis Student
Boya Zhang - Volunteer
Rong Zou - Research Assistant
René Zurbrügg - Project Supervisor
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